Recently it was brought to the attention of the developer of Rivendell and the Rivendell HOA Board, that the current mandatory required roofing materials for Rivendell sections 1-6 and sections 7-13 are no longer manufactured.

Effective immediately the required roofing materials for all sections of Rivendell is CertainTeed Belmont, Colonial Slate. There are no longer two sets of requirements depending upon which section of Rivendell you live in. The CertainTeed Belmont, Colonial Slate is now the ONLY MANDATORY REQUIRED roofing materials for replacement roofs and new home roofs for all of Rivendell, Sections 1 through 13. Please do not vary from these requirements as the developer of Rivendell, the Rivendell HOA board and Rivendell HOA residents have an aggressive roofing compliance policy.

CertainTeed Belmont, Colonial Slate is the only conforming roof for all of Rivendell. If you begin or complete construction of a non-conforming roof without prior written consent of the Architectural Review Committee of Rivendell, the Rivendell Developer, the Rivendell HOA or any Rivendell homeowner may require that you re-roof your home with the mandatory required roofing materials. Therefore, please adhere to the restrictions and requirements in the first instance. No one benefits from tearing off a non-compliance new roof.

WARNING: Beware of Roofers trying to sell you a substitute roof. This is the only approved roof.

Should you see a roof being delivered or being put on that may not comply with these requirements, please contact the HOA immediately at or 405-633-0809.

For a list of the mandatory required roofing materials please (click) below on Roofing Requirements for Sections 1-13.

The Rivendell HOA Board

Roofing Requirements for Sections 1-13
Roofing Exhibit Explanation